गिरमिटिया व्यवस्था अंग्रेजों द्वारा भारतीयों को अश्वेत अफ्रीकियों की आजादी के बाद गुलाम बनाने की एक कानूनी व्यवस्था थी जिसके कारण लाखों हिंदुस्तानियों को उन्होंने भारत से सुदूर अटलांटिक महासागर पार कैरिबियाई द्वीप समूहों में गन्ने के खेतों पर काम करने के लिए गुलाम बना दिया। पहले जो अफ्रीकियों को ढोते थे वही जहाज हिंदुस्तानियों को ढोने लगे और यह व्यापार हिंदुस्तान से शुरू हो गया। ...
. This channel is a small effort to remember the memories of the indentured people, the hardships that they faced on the land which was not their motherland. This channel is dedicated to all those Indian indenture labour and their generation who were sometimes our from their ancestors matribhumi India
Welcome to Girmitiya Channel. I am Dr. Inderjit Pal
The British rule that ruled India created a legal document called Indenture Labor in the nineteenth century. According to this agreement, Indian laborers were to go outside India to work in other English colonies for five years and after completing the five-year agreement, they were to return to India. But the British cheated these Indian laborers and by not telling them the full details of the agreement, they put them on the ship without knowing where they were to go.
Educated local brokers had a huge contribution in this work of the British. These brokers helped the British in the Indentures Labor Recruitment Depot located in Calcutta by kidnapping, seducing, luring and luring people from villages, haat markets and fairs. In this way, during the British rule in India, millions of poor and illiterate Indians were forced to sign a legal document and become slaves as bonded laborers in other British colonies outside their country.
This system of sending Indians out of India by the British was in a way the slave trade of Indians after the slavery of black Africans ended. First the British enslaved black Africans and when their slavery ended, they started enslaving Indians to save the industries and plantations of the British traders and people associated with the British royal family located in the British colonies. Earlier, the ships which used to transport African slaves from Africa to other British colonies via America and Europe, now the same ships used to bring goods to Calcutta and while returning from here, the Indian laborers were handed over the slaves to the British plantation owners located in different colonies. Used to leave to work like this.
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हाल ही में 23 अगस्त को संदर्भगिरमिटिया मज़दूरी - ऐतिहासिक नज़र से